Sold Out of homes. How you can help and make money.

Sold Out of homes. How you can help and make money.

Do you want to sell your home?

Sold Out of homes. How you can help and make money.
Sold Out


Sold Out of homes. How you can help and make money. We have sold all of our inventory of homes. This is great for you, and again not so great. We have no new homes for sale to offer our home buyers; however, all our home selling clients are happy because their homes have sold at a price acceptable to them.


Want to see available homes?

As an alternative you may wish to see all the other homes in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) that are for sale today, please go to the Start your home Search box in the middle of the page at the top of this page

Begin your home search here it’s FREE

Fill in your criteria for a new home under the Property Quick Search panel and click the Search button. If you would prefer, I can arrange, with your permission, to have new homes coming on the market for sale, to be sent to you. I can do this on a daily basis, or whatever other time-frame you may require. By clicking the Contact Cliff button on the menu bar it’ll allow the process to begin.

What will happen?

Sold Out of homes. How you can help and make money.

By using the Contact Cliff feature you will be given without obligation a free personal organizer. Your personal organizer will let you know immediately when a new home comes on the MLS on a daily basis. This is beneficial to you as a home seller because you will be informed of your competition immediately. We will consult you as to what to do with that information so as to optimize your profit when you do sell your home.

Sold Out No cost nor obligations

There is no cost or obligation to you. We do want to earn your business. If you like what Cliff Keith and Team does for you and how we treat you. Not only by the information you are given but at the ease and speed by which you receive it. If you like our skills and behavior then we would appreciate the opportunity to help you sell your home.

What to do next

Sold Out of homes. How you can help and make money.
3 step process

There is an easy three-step process to find out more information about selling your home. The 3-Step Process is:

  1. Take out your cell phone

Look up my number: (hint 650-346-7366)

Call me immediately 


When you call I will answer all your questions using my 40+ years of experience. I will NOT try and sell you anything. Cliff Keith aka SF Bay Homes are a resource center to help the public like you. I too am a Realtor so my motive is to show you how it will benefit you to have me in your corner when it is time for you to sell your home and will want me to represent you. After all it is probably the biggest asset you will liquidate in your whole life. You’re going to want Cliff Keith in your corner at that time,

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Sold Out of homes. How you can help and make money.
Made in USA


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