Contact Cliff for more information about buying and selling homes. This is a FREE real estate resource center for all who have questions about real estate and how it can benefit you investment portfolio or shelter for yourself.
This site is meant to educate homeowners and future homeowners who want to know “how to” and “what to do” before, during, and after buying a home.
One will find on this site check-lists, reasons for doing what has to be done so that you will be successful in both acquiring and liquidating real property. You may call it buy or sell a home.
Cliff Keith and Team has been helping home-buyers and homeowners since 1976. We are noted for our knowledge of the real estate industry and being able to relay that information on to our clients. We tend NOT to be a hard-sell team and respect the ability of our clients to make their own decision based on what is best for them
Cliff Keith and Team’s goal is to show our clients how to do what we have done over the years and that is provide you with a workable plan so during your “Golden Years” you will have passive income to off-set the high cost of living in the SF Bay Homes Area. You may not have as much money as Bill Gates but you will have enough money to provide yourself with the basic elements of life; food, clothing, and shelter.
If you would like to learn more about Cliff Keith and Team there is an easy three step process besides filling out the above Contact Cliff form.
1.) Pull out your cell phone
2.) Look up my number (650-346-7366)
3.) Call me immediately
When we talk together we will discuss how we can make your desire to own and operate real estate in a way that will benefit you the most! So do yourself a favor and call now!