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How to increase your chances of buying the home you want

How to know what home prices are headed and why?

May 20, 2016 How to increase your chances of buying the home you want Save your dollars with this powerful information … Continue reading

If you want to be successful. Save money and follow these easy steps

Want to be successful? Save money when you follow these easy steps.

Maybe you don’t have the traditional 20% down-payment as most people think they need. There’re governmental real estate loan … Continue reading

Cliff's Notes on real estate… July 2016

Overlooking The Obvious

In a prison somewhere in a desperate country, three new prisoners are brought into a large bathing area and told to stop in front of an officer.

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How to tell your Mother you love her and know why

Mother’s Day Mother’s Day ~ How It Came About

In the United States, on the second Sunday in May Mother’s Day ~ How It Came About is our annual holiday celebrated by recognizing our Continue reading

Increase credit score will save you money ~ 10 secrets

Why do you need good credit?

In the United States you can increase your credit score. It will save you money. Most citizens when they  want to borrow money from a … Continue reading

Cliff's Notes on real estate… for May 2016

Cliff’s Notes on real estate… for May 2016


Dear Friend,

May flowers are in bloom, nature is bursting with energy, and change is in the air. Of course, you’re … Continue reading

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