Featured Posts Archives - Page 7 of 30 - SF BAY HOMES

Sold Out of homes. How you can help and make money.

Do you want to sell your home?


Sold Out of homes. How you can help and make money. We have sold all of our inventory of homes. This is … Continue reading

No appraiser needed. This is a game changer

Opes Advisers now offers Fannie’s Property Inspection Waiver   Game Changer NEW!

Game changer for home buyers. No appraisal required for eligible loans. Opes Advisers is one of the few lenders … Continue reading

Internet brokers, do they cost more money and effective?

How does one know home values from 500 miles away?

Cost more money and effective? Are internet brokers really going to  be cost effective and know what they’re doing?  Continue reading

The Cliff House and Sutro Baths are one awesome place in the world

Cliff House & Sutro Baths San Francisco, CA

A historic site in The City is The Cliff House & Sutro Baths San Francisco. The Cliff House & Sutro Baths San Francisco has … Continue reading

Cliff's Notes on real estate…August 2016

August 2016


Dear Friend,

We’re well into summer now, and most of us are enjoying some vacation time. For that reason, this month’s newsletter is devoted to being entertained. … Continue reading

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