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Do You Make These 9 Preventable Mistakes On Your Taxes?

Posted on: April 10th, 2020 | By Cliff Keith | Buyers Tips, Sellers Tips | No Comments

Do You Make These 9 Preventable Mistakes

On Your Taxes?

 With tax season just around the corner most homeowners are preparing their tax so they can file them on April 15th deadline. (for 2020 this date has changed.) We all try to maximize our tax write off without raising any red flags over at the IRS, because by doing so may cause an audit by the IRS. Being audited a few years back, I can say I would have preferred someone sticking needles in my eye over my visit to the IRS. Believe my you don’t want to go there. The IRS doesn’t have nice people working there.

As you go through your stack of receipts, consider individually every home deduction and credit you legally feel can be claimed. Some of the most common errors homeowners make is the underlining theme of this post. There are more than just the 9 listed below, but these are the ones most tax preparers agreed are the most common.

Do You Make These 9 Preventable Mistakes On Your Taxes?

Mistake #1: Using past year’s receipts for this year’s return.

For example, you may take a deduction for Property Tax in a different year than the one you actually paid them. You may be working a year behind on your taxes, but the Feds don’t care! You’re method of doing taxes are irrelevant to them. Only enter what you paid in the year of your return NO MATTER what year is on your tax bill.

Mistake #2: Confusing what is on your HUD-1 statement with real taxes owed.

For example, if you have an impound account for your mortgage, (an impound account is an account which your lender arranged with you when you bought your home or refinance it. It is where the lender collects taxes and insurance and then pays your taxes and insurance when the time comes due for them) and you deduct what your lender has collected for your taxes and insurance. You are making a mistake by doing so, and it will raise a red flag over at the IRS. You see, your lender usually collects a “cushion” of funds in your impound account. They will “re-forecasted” every few years. That way you don’t have too big of a “cushion”.

Mistake #3: On a refinance to deduct points your bank charged you.

When you first bought your home lender’s point in the year you purchased your home we able to be deducted. However, if you refinance your home, the points you paid to your lender are still deductible. However, now the points can only be amortized over the life of the new loan. For example, in a refinance you had to pay lender’s point in the amount of $5,000 on your new 15 year loan. The IRS will not allow the $5000 deduction in the year of your refinance. Instead they will allow you to deduct $333.33 every year for 15 years.

Mistake #4: Not calculating the home office tax deduction correctly.Do You Make These 9 Preventable Mistakes On Your Taxes?

Though allowed, this tax deduction is hard to calculate and may not give you enough of a write off  to make it worth the trouble. It automatically calls for a second look by the IRS as most people do NOT calculate correctly the deduction properly. Additionally, if you make a profit on the sale of your house in the future these deductions may be recaptured, (meaning you paid tax on the amount your deducted off your taxes, at the current tax rate). Avoid this unless there is a real tax advantage to you to depreciate your home for a home office.

Mistake #5: If you received a first-time buyer tax credit you have to repay it.

If you used the first-time buyer tax credit when you purchased your home. The IRS will want you to repay the tax credit when you sell your home. So if you bought your first home in 2018 and lived in it for less than 3 years. From the date of the close of escrow you must repay the credit. This includes if you change your home to a rental property.  And you sold it less than 36 months after your close of escrow date. The IRS has a tool on their site to help you calculate the amount. It shows the credit you will need to repay.

Mistake #6: Not keeping accurate records.

When you get an IRS audit notice you better be ready. It’s amazing how petty and insignificant they can get on their ruling. It’s down to the penny for the IRS! Be sure to save all receipts for all capital improvement including maintenance, and repairs for your home office. Save and file all credit for energy tax credits. Keep all property tax bills and your lender’s annual statements with your paid receipt.

Do You Make These 9 Preventable Mistakes On Your Taxes?Mistake #7: Not reporting capital gains.


If you sold your home this year for $ 1,100,000 and owned it for more than a year. You paid $750,000 initially for it then you will owe capital gains taxes. If you are single you’d get a $250,000 exclusion on your capital gain tax. This means you owe taxes on $100,000, which is your capital gain. ($1,100,000 – $750,000 – $250,000= $100,000). For married couples, the exclusion is $500,000. So $1,100,000 minus $500,000 minus $750,000 equals $1,250,000.  This is less than your selling price so you would not owe any capital gains tax. But, beware as the IRS and Congress are talking about changing this rule. These IRS rules may be different in the future. Be sure to check with your accountant or CPA.

Mistake #8: Getting Energy Tax Credit and filing it improperly

It was a great idea to install energy-efficient windows and doors where you’re given a 10% tax credit. This is a credit that can only be taken one time. So if you took an energy tax credit in the past you can only deduct up to the $500. If you are taking energy tax credit for energy-efficient system like geothermal heat pumps the largest amount allowed is higher. To figure the extra deduction is not easy. To do so takes incredible complex and involves cross checking with 6 or more other IRS forms. They don’t make it easy for us so be careful!

Mistake #9: Deducting over $1,000,000 in mortgage interest paid.

It does not matter if you paid $3,000,000 or $1,000,001 in mortgage interest. The IRS will only allow the first $1,000,000 of mortgage interest off on your taxes. There are no exceptions.

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Do You Make These 9 Preventable Mistakes On Your Taxes?____________________________________________________________________________________________

Do You Make These 9 Preventable Mistakes On Your Taxes?


This article is written as an informational purposes only. It is not proper tax or legal advice. If you are looking to find an answer to your particular facts and needs you should consult an Attorney. Or your Certified Public Accountant. Please do not rely on this article as valid tax law or what their consequences may imply.


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What Do Christians Celebrate Palm Sunday?

Posted on: April 3rd, 2020 | By Cliff Keith | Holidays | No Comments

What Do Christians Celebrate Palm Sunday?

What Do Christians Celebrate Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday is the day when Christians celebrate the day Jesus entered into Jerusalem. Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt of a donkey. This event took place one week before Jesus’s death. And his resurrection three days later, as told in the Christian’s Holy Bible.

Furthermore, most Christians believe Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. The 5th week of Lent,

What happened the first Holy Week?

Because in the Holy Bible it is written Jesus rode into Jerusalem on  the back of a donkey. Greeted by a crowds of people waving palm branches at him. Additionally, the dirt road being traveled by Jesus was covered with palm branches by his followers. Because this was the method of the day to show homage in addition to submission for Jesus as their promised Messiah.

What happens in modern day Palm Sunday?

Almost all modern Christians receive a palm leaf in church on Palm Sunday.  Because it is a symbol of the remembrance of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross. The death of Jesus is believe to be the removal of all sins for mortals.  Christian beliefs praise Jesus for his gift of salvation. Today Christians look expectantly to Jesus second coming.

The people of Jerusalem at that time did not see Jesus as a spiritual leader, but instead they saw him as a political leader. He was their Messiah who would overthrow the Romans and restore Israel’s independence. They shouted “Hosanna” meaning “save now”.  Large Passover crowds gathered around Jesus and shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. “Hosanna in the highest!” (Matthew 21:9)

What Do Christians Celebrate Palm Sunday?

What happened to Jesus when he entered Jerusalem?

Since entering Jerusalem the Romans captured Jesus and made him their prisoner.  The Romans put Jesus on trial and found him guilty of his crimes.  As a result Jesus was order to be Crucified. As a result, Roman soldiers made Jesus, as was custom, carry his cross, on his shoulders all the way where he was to be hung. He carried the cross to a field with others criminals of the state.  While approaching the field, Jesus saw the other convicted criminals nailed to their cross. Jesus was about to experience the same thing himself.

What is Crucifixion?

Crucifixion is an ancient form of execution. A criminal’s is Crucified when the victim’s hands and feet are bound to the cross and then nailed to it. Consequently, crucifixion  is considered the most horribly painful, and disgraceful methods of capital punishment. The word crucifixion comes from the Latin “crucifixion,” or “crucifixus,” meaning “fixed to a cross.”

As believed today this is the story of Palm Sunday and how and why Christians celebrate it with solemn prayers. I am sure glad in America today we no longer us Crucifixion as a means of capital punishment, Don’t you?


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Do You Make These 9 Preventable Mistakes On Your Taxes?

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What Do Christians Celebrate Palm Sunday?

April, 2020 Cliff’s Notes on real estate…

Posted on: April 1st, 2020 | By Cliff Keith | Blog, Cliff's Notes on Real Estate | No Comments

April, 2020 Cliff’s Notes on real estate…
April, 2020 Cliff’s Notes on real estate…

Why Does Reheated Coffee Taste Bad?

April 2020, Cliff's Notes on real estate...The answer has nothing to do with the microwave and everything to do with the volatility of aromas and chemicals in coffee.

Coffee is all about science. The drink has over 1,000 aroma compounds, plus a complex profile of proteins and acids.

Several studies point out that the intensity of the ‘roasty-sulfur O=OPy’ odor of coffee plays a key role in how it tastes. The scent decreases rapidly after initial brewing, as it loses those aromatics to evaporation, resulting in a loss of taste.

Also, some of the different compounds in coffee fall out of solution as it cools. Proteins tend to sink to the bottom, while oils float to the top, leaving a skim of oil on top of old coffee. The acidity also increases, and the taste turns sour. Essentially, the flavor profile breaks apart and can’t be put back together again— just like Humpty Dumpty.

So, what’s the best way to reheat coffee?

Experts and regular folk alike agree: try to avoid the microwave. Store hot coffee in an airtight thermos. Or better yet, start from scratch when you want a hot cup.

Some people in surveys have said that reheating coffee in the microwave to “warm it just enough” to drink is better than reheating it to very hot…but this may depend on how cool your coffee has gotten in the first place, or how much of its original flavor profile was lost before reheating.

I hope this helps you enjoy your next hot cup of coffee!


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Inside This Issue

•       Why Does Reheated Coffee Taste Bad?

•       “April Showers Bring May Flowers”

*•       FREE e-Book on Probates

•       Dress For Success

•       Hone Your Life Vision

*•       Avoid Mistakes With Retirement             Savings

•       Get Up And Work Out

•       Dogs Speak Volumes With Their Tails

*•       Mistaken Identity

•       Marriages That Make Sense

•       Shining Star Reveals Ancient     Astronomy

April Showers Bring May Flowers

We’ve all heard the old “April Showers” rhyme, but you might not know where the rhyme originated. It can be officially traced back to the mid-1500s, although earlier use of the phrase probably existed.

The first time it turned up in print was in 1557, written by a farmer named Thomas Tusser. His poem, compiled in rhyming couplets, was called A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry and contained instructions and observations about farming and country customs in the Tudor period of England.

In the April section on Husbandry, Farmer Tusser wrote:

Swéete April showers,

Doo bring Maie flowers.

Tusser could have been referring to something agrarian societies have probably known for millennia…at least those living in particular temperate zones. Basically, the influx of rain in April coincides with the warming of the weather in May which brings forth flowers.

But since he was also a keen observer of life and a poet, he could as easily been using the phrase metaphorically as a reminder to look for opportunity in adversity.


7-Mistakes Made During A PROBATE

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April, 2020 Cliff’s Notes on real estate…

Dress For Success

This may add a new angle to the phrase “dress for success”: A study published in the journal Social Psychological and Personal Science suggests that how you dress may influence how you think.

Researchers found that dressing in formal clothes may help you with big, broad, long-term thinking, letting you focus on the forest instead of the trees. Formal attire may also help you in business negotiations, making you feel more influential than someone in casual clothes.

On the other hand, a more casual wardrobe can help you connect better with peers, while reducing obstacles to cooperation and teamwork. You’re more comfortable, and co-workers may be more comfortable with you in turn.

Hone Your Life Vision

Just as businesses are guided by a vision, your life can also benefit from having a vision. A vision is a description of your idealized lifestyle and outcomes. Vision is often based on living according to your highest values and principles.

When honing your life vision, here are things to keep in mind:

  • Your vision shouldn’t be about “shoulds.” A compelling vision is based on what you want to achieve, not what you (or others) think you should have or should do.April 2020, Cliff's Notes on real estate...
  • A vision includes identifying your highest values. One exercise is to list all of your most important values (such as honor, trust, fun, play, love, etc.), then imagine you have to throw away one of your values. Which one would you cross off? Then you have to throw away another value from your list. You keep doing this until you’re left with the values you refuse to throw away.


  • Focus your vision on a higher sense of what you’d like out of life based on your values, without worrying about specific details.
  • Keep your vision distinct from your goals. A goal has a time-bound and measurable outcome. A vision is the broad sense of direction you want your goals to take you.
  • Keep your vision fresh. If you’re feeling bored, reevaluate your life vision. Are you still on the right path? Are you living your vision and finding that it’s not what you thought it would be? Or have you discovered that there’s more to life and you need a bigger vision?


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Avoid Mistakes With Retirement Savings

Make one or two mistakes in handling your retirement money, and you could be paying a stiff penalty later in your life. The stock market goes up and down, but you’ll survive if you stay clear of these common mistakes:

  • Obsessing about market losses.

    Focus instead on long-term needs. Catastrophic events and long-term health care needs cause as much damage when you’re caught unaware as does a shaky stock market. Will your nest egg be able to handle long-term care?

  • Forgetting about inflation and taxes.

    Your retirement savings is a lot smaller than you think it is when you start factoring in the rate of inflation and the taxes you’ll have to pay when you start drawing out of it.

  • Indulging instead of saving during your last years before retirement.

    When you’ve got only a handful of years left before you retire, don’t go out and buy that new sports car. Some people are able to build up almost a third of their savings in the last five years before retirement because they got serious about saving and investing. Be that person.

  • Thinking you can withdraw more than you really can.

    If you rely on average annual returns on your investments to determine just how much you can withdraw, you could be drawing down your retirement fund faster than you should. Average returns are seldom steady. A safe rule of thumb: Count on a 3% rate of withdrawal.

Not expecting to live a long life. Despite the rise in life expectancy, people still seriously underestimate how long they’ll live. If you’re not thinking

I’m always asked, “What’s the secret to success?”  But there are no secrets. Be humble. Be hungry. And always be the hardest worker in the room. —Dwayne Johnson

Get Up And Work Out

The alarm rings. Do you leap out of bed to head for the gym? Or hit snooze? Motivating yourself to get up and start exercising can be tough. Try these tips to get moving:
• Eat light the night before. A heavy snack right before you hit the mattress will make you feel lethargic in the morning.
• Get a full night’s sleep. You’ll wake up feeling refreshed and energetic.
• Lay out your clothes the night before. If all your gear is waiting for you, you have fewer excuses between you and your exercise.
• Get a buddy. Getting over resistance might be as easy as having someone call you.

Imagine me as your real estate consultant…
What I do for you is invest my time consulting, negotiating, and organizing the details of your transaction because I want you to have a superb experience that will cause you to want to introduce me to the people you care about most.

The purpose of my business is referrals, which means I must bring the type of value that makes you feel comfortable introducing me to the people you know that need my help.

I thank you sincerely, and so will the people that you introduce to me. Cliff Keith

Dogs Speak Volumes With Their Tails

Scientists have discovered that dogs communicate far more information about their emotions to each other with their tails than was previously believed.

A recent study has shown that dogs tend to move their tails more to the right or the left depending on how happy or sad they feel.

This emotional signal can also be recognized by other dogs, affecting how the animals respond to each other.

April 2020, Cliff's Notes on real estate...Research conducted by neuroscientists at the University of Trento, Italy, showed that dogs’ tails tend to move slightly more to the right if they are happy. If they are experiencing negative emotions, such as feeling threatened, then their tail will move slightly more to the left.

While the subtle bias in movement can be difficult for humans to detect, when video footage of the behavior is slowed down, it becomes more obvious.

Your Dog Knows

Dogs, however, seem to be able to pick up on these signals just fine. The researchers found that dogs’ heart rates increased and they showed signs of anxiety when they saw an unfamiliar dog with its tail wagging slightly to the left.

If the dog met a new dog whose tail wagged slightly to the right, then the animals remained calm and showed a relaxed heart rate.

Scientists attribute this to a similar function in human brains—the left/right bias of our brains to produce different emotions.

Science is the key to our future, and if you don’t believe in science, then you’re holding everybody back. —Bill Nye

Science literacy is the artery through which the solutions of tomorrow’s problems flow. —Neil deGrasse Tyson

The History Of Easter Egg Hunting

April 2020, Cliff's Notes on real estate...

Many cherished Easter traditions have been around for centuries. The Easter bunny, reportedly began in Germany with an egg-laying hare.

The decoration of eggs is believed to date back to at least the 13th century, while the rite of the Easter parade has even older roots.

But the novelty of hunting for Easter eggs was first referenced in writing in England. During A. E. Housman’s inaugural lecture as Professor of Latin at University College, London in 1892, he said, “In Germany at Easter time they hide coloured eggs about the house and garden so that the children may amuse themselves in discovering them.”



Keep Workplace Ideas Flowing

Ideas are crucial to innovation and growth, but many employees choose to keep their ideas to themselves. Why?April 2020, Cliff's Notes on real estate...

One of the most common, and most easily remedied, reasons is proximity. Studies have found that employees are extremely unlikely to share information with co-workers who sit more than 30 feet away from their workstations. To create cross-functional sharing, work areas may need to be rearranged, or more frequent meetings arranged. Other reasons that the flow of ideas gets stopped:


  • Fear of rejection.
  • Your Fear of exposing ignorance, or fear of embarrassment.
  • Fear of theft.

The first two fears are usually due to office culture, and change must come from the top down. Otherwise, an employee must be skilled at influence to get their ideas accepted.

The fear of having ideas stolen is more difficult to address. It is the reason that many organizations report difficulty in getting employees to participate in knowledge management systems. Some organizations have achieved success by including the sharing of information and ideas in the annual review process and linking such behavior to raises and rewards.

There are some people who live in a dream world, and some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other. —Douglas Everett

Creativity can solve almost any problem. The creative act, the defeat of habit by originality, overcomes everything. —George Lois


This information is solely advisory, and should not be substituted for medical, legal, financial or tax advice. Any and all decisions and actions must be done through the advice and counsel of a qualified physician, attorney, financial advisor and/or CPA. We cannot be held responsible for actions you may take without proper medical, financial, legal or tax advice.


This newsletter is intended for entertainment purposes only. Credit is given to the authors of articles that are reprinted when the original author is known. Any omission of credit to an author is purely unintentional and should not be construed as plagiarism or literary theft. Copyright 2020


cliff's notes on real estate

April, 2020 Cliff’s Notes on real estate…

No More Open Houses Until Stay At Home Is Lifted…

Posted on: March 22nd, 2020 | By Cliff Keith | Blog, Sunday Open Houses | No Comments

No More Open Houses Until Stay At Home Is Lifted...

No More Open Houses!

No More Open Houses Until Stay At Home Is Lifted...(For San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties)

The San Mateo and Santa Clara County Health Departments announced tight restrictions on group gatherings a.k.a. “Shelter In Place”, that effectively made it impossible to operate a compliant Open House. In other words there won’t be any future open houses by Realtors. Estimated date to be lifted: Not Determined Yet.

Above all, stay safe out there. And make good choices for your health and your friends and family.

No More Open Houses Until Stay At Home Is Lifted...


FREE eBook on what to do during a probate.

Finally, A Proven Successful Way To Settle A Probate Estate Quickly, Legally And Fairly

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(and you don’t need a law degree, or spend a fortune doing it!)

No More Open Houses Until Stay At Home Is Lifted...

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Did You Know Time Is A Governmental Lie?

Posted on: March 5th, 2020 | By Cliff Keith | Blog | No Comments

Did You Know Time Is A Governmental Lie?

The stale hoax about time…

Did You Know Time Is A Governmental Lie?

Here are a couple of site which address the stale hoax about time…  You may want to read them to enlighten your concept about time. It will give you a prospective most will never tell you. Don’t be controlled by the mass media and government who both want you to believe what they tell you. They are wrong, by the way, when it comes to time! If you would like further proof please contact Gabe Gross who is an authority on the subject according to him. Thanks Gabe.

RU Kidding me?

I am not going to remind you about your clocks because it really doesn’t matter. Your clocks only provide a concept you have been trained to believe. It doesn’t exist. Isn’t it reasonable to stop this hoax and throw all our clock out the window? I think you will agree once you read this informative information that my good friend Gabe Gross shared with me in March. I should add this to my newsletter, Cliff’s Notes on real estate…

Here is an explanation by various authorities on time. What? I just said that word again. It doesn’t exist, why do I use this word? I use it almost daily, but why?

Find out why by reading this post. Read more… 

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Did You Know Time Is A Governmental Lie?

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How to avoid them when you are an Administrator or Executor of a probate.


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Did You Know Time Is A Governmental Lie?
Made in U.S.A.

March, 2020 Cliff’s Notes on real estate…

Posted on: March 1st, 2020 | By Cliff Keith | Blog, Cliff's Notes on Real Estate | No Comments

March 2020

Dear friend,

Have you spotted any leprechauns lurking in your house? No…? Excellent!

…That means you’re free to sit down and read through this month’s newsletter in a comfy chair while those mischievous little things pester someone else.

I’m most excited about the Brainteasers found in this month’s newsletter because they’re just the right level of tricky: hard enough to make you think, but nothing that is going to truly stump you.

We also have:

  •   A quick and simple explanation about how spiders hear.
  •   Interesting statistics on how often we REALLY exercise!
  •   Some useful tips for positive habits on the job.

Oh, and if while reading, you suddenly see some wee little folk moving about surreptitiously, well, the easiest way to solve that situation might just involve buying or selling a house. Perhaps you could find one with the perfect storage space or the kitchen of your dreams. Wouldn’t that be lucky? Seriously, if you’ve been thinking about a change in home or lifestyle, let’s talk about how to get you into the perfect home.



Cliff Keith 650 597-1821

Your friend in the real estate business,


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Inside This Issue


·       A Loving Ode to Old Age

·*       Spring Cleaning: Do Fabrics First

·       Probate Information

*·       Where Do You Keep Your Phone?

·       Google, M.D.

·*       How Much Are You Really Working Out?

·       Positive Job Habits

·       Brain Drain: Control Appetite After Work

*·       An Ancient Mystery

·       The Tingle of Spidey Senses

·*       Brain Floss Puzzles

·       Rock Star Press Management

·       A Meeting Of The Minds


A Loving Ode to Old Age

Here’s a story I found online (author listed as unknown) that makes me feel spry this spring. Pass it along to someone who might enjoy a new perspective on old age.

“I am now, probably for the first time in my life, the person I have always wanted to be. Oh, not my body! For example sometime despair over the wrinkles, the baggy eyes, and the sagging butt. I’m often taken aback by that old person in my mirror, but I don’t agonize over it.

I would never trade my amazing friends, wonderful life, loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly. I am kinder to myself. That means I’ve become my own friend. I don’t chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I didn’t need, but looks so avant-garde on my patio. Just maybe I am entitled to overeat, to be messy, to be extravagant. I can say ‘no’, and mean it. As well I can say ‘yes’ to myself, and mean itMarch, 2020 Cliff's Notes on real estate...

Great freedom comes with aging. Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 am, and sleep until noon? I will walk the beach in a swimsuit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the bikini set. They, too, will get old!

As I get older, it is easier to be positive. I care less about what other people think. Questioning myself isn’t important anymore. I’ve even earned the right to be wrong. Being old is okay because it has set me free.

I like the person I have become. Likewise, I am not going to live forever, but while I’m still here. I’ll not waste time lamenting what could have been or worrying about what will be. Today, I wish you a day of ordinary miracles.”


Where Do You Keep Your Phone?

Quick—where’s your cell phone right now? A recent survey asked that question of millennials and people in other age groups to determine how connected we are to our devices. The survey found that pants pockets are the most common location across all age ranges—58% of millennials, 39% of those age 35-54, and 44% of people 55 and older.

But some people literally can’t let go. The survey found that more than 50% of millennials say they sometimes will carry their phone in their hand all day long. Only 30% of those in the 35-54 group said the same, and 16% of the 55-and-older crowd joined them.

That makes durability an important issue for millennials. The survey found that 48% want their phones to come with shatterproof screens, water resistance, and other protective features, while only 40% of the middle group were looking for those elements and slightly more than 25% of the oldest group had the same worry. For the two older groups, battery life seems to be a more important concern.

Please don’t keep me a secret…

The next time you’re in a conversation with a friend from work, your neighborhood, church, your gym or country club and they mention that they are interested in selling their house or rental property please, don’t keep me a secret. Pick up your cell phone, look up my number, (hint: 650-346-7366) and call me immediately. When you call we can talk about what would be the best way for you to introduce them to me.

Spring Cleaning: Do Fabrics First

March, 2020 Cliff's Notes on real estate...Fabrics that have absorbed a winter’s worth of dirt, body oil, and germs will need a deep cleaning to get them ready for another year of wear. That usually means using a carpet cleaner to shampoo carpets and clean upholstery.

When renting a carpet cleaner, practice first in an unobtrusive area to make sure you have the knack of the machine and that the treatment won’t discolor fabrics or cause dyes to run.

Move furniture just slightly—not out of the room or against the wall, as the old rules dictated — and place the legs of each piece back on top of small wax paper squares after shampooing. The wax paper will protect your carpet and keep the furniture legs from getting wet as the carpet dries.

Open the windows to speed drying, which can take a day or more. And if you’re not the furniture-shifting, machine-renting type, hire a professional carpet and upholstery cleaner.

Costs to Buy a Million Dollar Home…

Do you know what the your costs when you buy a one-million-dollar home with 20% Down? Including what your mortgage payments…

Escrow Fees:

Down Payment    (200,000.00)

Origination Fee       (8,000.00)

Title Insurance        (2,000.00)

Settlement Fee       (250.00)

Escrow Fees          (2,200.00)

Sub Escrow Fees   (125.00)

Loan Tie-In Fee      (100.00)

Recording Fee          (60.00)

Tax Service               (75.00)

Appraisal Report     (350.00)

Credit Report          (250.00)

Monthly Payments:

Mortgage Payment 3,819.32

Hazard Insurance $291.67

Property Taxes     $1,000

TOTAL           $5,110.99

Spring won’t let me stay in this house any longer! I must get out and breathe the air deeply again. ~Gustav Mahler

Where Do You Keep Your Phone?

Quick—where’s your cell phone right now? A recent survey asked that question of millennials and people in other age groups to determine how connected we are to our devices. The survey found that pants pockets are the most common location across all age ranges—58% of millennials, 39% of those age 35-54, and 44% of people 55 and older.

But some people literally can’t let go. The survey found that more than 50% of millennials say they sometimes will carry their phone in their hand all day long. Only 30% of those in the 35-54 group said the same, and 16% of the 55-and-older crowd joined them.

That makes durability an important issue for millennials. The survey found that 48% want their phones to come with shatterproof screens, water resistance, and other protective features, while only 40% of the middle group were looking for those elements and slightly more than 25% of the oldest group had the same worry. For the two older groups, battery life seems to be a more important concern.


Google, M.D.

The internet is good for some things, but when you want to find out what’s making you feel sick, you’re generally better off with your doctor than with a medical website or smartphone app. That’s the diagnosis of a study by Harvard Medical School that was recently written up in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal.

The research involved 234 physicians and 23 diagnostic tools offered by such websites as the Mayo Clinic and Web MD, along with apps for the iPhone and Android smartphones. Given 45 hypothetical patients and their symptoms, the human doctors got the correct diagnosis right away in 72% of the cases, while the computerized symptom checkers were correct only 34% of the time.

When asked to provide not one, but three possible diagnoses, physicians again outperformed their technological counterparts, hitting the right diagnosis with their top three 84% of the time. Websites and apps found the correct diagnosis just 51% of the time.

So although you might be tempted to just Google your symptoms and head to the drugstore, most of the time you’re better off making an appointment with your doctor.

Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainier Maria Rilke

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Brain Drain: Control Appetite After Work

Ever notice that you can feel starving after a long day at work, even though you’ve spent it mainly at your desk? Scientists, as reported by The New York Times, say it happens because your brain wants more fuel to keep going—even though you probably haven’t been digging ditches or running marathons all day. The problem is that you’re consuming calories your body doesn’t actually need, because your brain is telling you to.

Oddly, the solution to controlling brain-induced appetite is to exercise. In an experiment at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, 38 college students met to discuss their favorite pizza. After the discussion, they were allowed at eat as much pizza as they wanted. That created a control. On another day, they were brought back and given a series of tests from college entrance and graduate-level exams. Afterward, half the students worked out on treadmills while the rest sat quietly. The entire group was again served all the pizza they wanted, but the treadmill group ate less—about 25 fewer calories than at their previous session. On the other hand, the rest of the group actually ate 100 calories more. The study suggests that a light workout after a mentally strenuous day may curb the appetite. So perhaps a brisk walk before dinner is in order?

The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also. ~Harriet Ann Jacobs

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An Ancient Mystery: How Old Are Saturn’s Rings?

The rings of Saturn have dazzled humans ever since they were spotted by Galileo, but they still contain many unexplained mysteries, such as how old they are. One theory states that they date back approximately 4.6 billion years; another suggests that they’re just 100 million years old.

Scientists backing the younger theory contend that the rings should show more evidence of space debris from the Kuiper Belt, which would make them darker than they appear today. Proponents of the older view note that the rings were probably created by a moon or some other icy object falling apart as it passed close by Saturn, an event which doesn’t seem to have happened in recent times (“recent” in astronomical terms, at any rate.)

Some of the trouble comes from not knowing precisely how massive the rings are—a lighter series of rings could have formed more recently than a heavier one.


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The Tingle of Spidey Senses

Spiders can’t “hear” exactly, but they can sense and respond to vibrations in the air over relatively long distances. Until recently, scientists believed they were only sensitive to sounds from a few inches away. However, the Sci-News website reports that researchers at Cornell University have found that jumping spiders (Phidippus audax) can pick up low-frequency sounds from up to 10 feet away.

The spiders apparently sense vibrations through the hairs on their forelegs, which produce a response in acoustically sensitive neurons. Physically probing a single hair produced the same type of response. The jumping spiders are most sensitive to frequencies produced by the wingbeats of wasps, one of their natural enemies. Scientists plan to examine the brains of fishing spiders and wolf spiders for similar abilities.

You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep the spring from coming. ~Pablo Neruda

Spring Into Action

To get in shape for spring and summer, you don’t need to do everything at once. Put one or two changes into practice, such as controlling your portion sizes or cutting back on added fats and sugars in your food choices. When you feel comfortable with your progress, try something else.

Add physical activity to your day. Spring weather makes it easy to get outdoors and get your recommended amount of daily physical activity. These activities can count toward your day’s total exercise:

  • Go for a brisk walk during your lunch hour or after dinner.
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator whenever possible.
  • Skip the drive-thru car wash and wash the car yourself.
  • Stretch your green thumb by doing some gardening. Consider growing your own fruit, vegetables and herbs.
  • Walk in place while watching TV.
  • When possible, ride your bike to school or work — or use it to run errands.
  • Plan an active family vacation or a weekend outing.

Like good eating habits, regular physical activity needs to be part of everyone’s healthful lifestyle. Remember, your goal is to make changes gradually so you can stick with them and won’t have to repeat this process next year.


Mistaken Identity…

Even Queen Elizabeth II sometimes goes unrecognized. A story from the Hello magazine website tells of a time when the queen’s car drove up to the Royal Windsor Horse Show in 1991. A guard walked up and told her, “Sorry, love, you can’t come in without a sticker.”

Unfazed, her majesty answered, “I think if you check, I will be allowed to come in.”

He did, and she was.

Look How Amazing Your Brain Is!

Here’s an interesting experiment in brain function, sometimes used to test if a person has mental deterioration. Warning: if English is not your native tongue, you may naturally have problems with the exercise.

I cdnuolt blveiee that I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd what I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in what oerdr the ltteres in a word are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is that the frsit and last ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can still raed it whotuit a pboerlm. This is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the word as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

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Imagine me as your real estate consultant. What I do for you is invest my time consulting, negotiating, and organizing the details of your transaction because I want you to have a superb experience that will cause you to want to introduce me to the people you care about most.The purpose of my business is referrals, which means I must bring the type of value that makes you feel comfortable introducing me to the people you know that need my help.
After all, a referral is sending someone you care about to someone you trust. Cliff Keith

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The Link Between Stress And Stroke

Stroke is a devastating experience in which blood is cut off from a part of the brain. It can have many contributing factors. One of them, physicians now say, is stress.

According to the journal Stroke, researchers looked at medical records of more than 6,000 men and women who participated in a 16-year study. As part of the study, participants’ anxiety levels were measured. Over the course of time, 416 people suffered at least one stroke. The researchers determined that the risk of stroke rose 14 percent among individuals with higher anxiety levels, as measured in terms of such symptoms as extreme nervousness, tension, and general stress. Participants with especially high rates of these symptoms were identified as having an increased risk of 33 percent.

One possible connection: Stress often leads to unhealthy habits like poor nutrition, smoking and drinking, and lack of exercise. Stress also contributes to higher blood pressure, one of the culprits behind stroke.

Brain Floss Puzzles

Brainteasers are good for honing your creative thinking. Try these to stretch your mind:

  1. You are driving a bus with nine passengers. The first stop, three people get off and five get on. At the second stop, seven people get off and four get on. Finally, at the third stop, six people get off and two get on. How old is the bus driver?
  2. You have to choose to enter one of three rooms. Inside the first room is a team of ninjas hired to kill you. The second is a tiger that hasn’t eaten for three months. And,inside the third is a raging inferno. Which room do you enter?
  3. Imagine you’re in a leaky rowboat that’s sinking. Great white sharks are circling your boat. How do you get out of this predicament?

(See answers at the bottom of the page.)


“We’ve all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true.” ~Robert Wilensky

Rock Star Press Management

Rock star David Bowie knew how to charm reporters. According to the Digital Spy website, when a magazine ran a series on some of the journalists who’d interviewed him over the years, they discovered that he’d played the same trick on them over and over again:

Bowie would schedule a 45-minute interview. When his aide came in to show the reporter out, he’d say, “Look, I know we’re on a schedule, but we’re having such fun here, could we do an extra 15 minutes?” Every journalist felt flattered by the attention, which usually resulted in a positive review of whatever album Bowie was publicizing. Only years later did they discover that he’d scheduled them for a full hour all along.

A Meeting Of The Minds

The famous actor/director Charlie Chaplin once met world-renowned physicist Albert Einstein at a public event. According to Storypick, Einstein told the comedian: “What I most admire about your art is your universality. You don’t say a word, yet the world understands you.”

To which Chaplin replied, “True. But your glory is even greater. The whole world admires you, even though they don’t understand a word of what you say.”

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Answers to Brain Floss:

  1. Whatever you own age is, since you are the bus driver.
  2. Room No. 2. A tiger that hasn’t eaten in three months is dead.
  3. Stop imagining.

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