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How to figure the truth on spending your money for rent

How to figure the truth on spending your money for rent

How to figure the truth on spending your money for rent
Rent vs. Buy

You know I was looking at the cost of rentals in Redwood City the other day and discovered they are through the roof! If rents are so high would it be cheaper to just buy a home and save time and money? I thought I would figure this out on pager and see for myself.

What I found out may surprise you. You see owning a home have a number of items that must be paid every month, which a renter doesn’t have to pay. Of course, there are write offs that a homeowner has on their yearly income taxes that a rent doesn’t. But what is more cost effective Rent vs Buying?

Rent vs. Buying a Home

I have written in this blog post all the known expenses one can expect to pay as a homeowner including but not limited to; property taxes, fire insurance, principal on the home loan and then the interests on the home loan. I have compared these fixed costs against the fixed cost of a renter. My findings may surprise you because this a post about the truth not about a commission.

As a licensed real estate broker in the State of California I would love to see you purchase a home. However, if that is not in your best interest maybe you shouldn’t purchase a home but instead continue to rent your home and help your landlord pay his mortgage. It’s really quite simple it either “pencil out” or it doesn’t and together we can figure the truth for you.

If you would like to know if buying a home pencils out for you please read this post. There are exact numbers used that you can substitute with your own numbers and the exact costs you will have as both a renter and a homeowner. No stone has been left unturned. For a complete understanding of the facts on costs of owning a home please Read more here…

Should you buy a home?

If after reading this post you discover you want to rent your home or another there is an icon on the site for searching homes for rent in the MLS for Free. These rentals are sorted by city name at the bottom of the page. On the other hand if you are looking to purchase a home I would love to help you accomplish this. All you need to do is a three easy step process.

3-Easy Step Process

  1. Take out your cell phone.
  2. Look up my number. (Hint: 650-346-7366)
  3. Call me immediately.
How to figure the truth on spending your money for rent
Call Cliff Today 650-346-7366

When you call we will discuss what it takes to purchase a home in the rapid changing Silicon Valley real estate market. We’ll discuss with each other what we expect with the other. We may find out there is no way in the world you’d ever want my help. I get it. Not everyone clicks so I am not going to insult you, nor hurt your feelings as we can just say good-bye and get on with our own lives. No harm no foul. I am looking for people who I can know, like, and help as I expect they are looking for the same.

So if you have 5 minutes to spend find out exactly how to purchase a home and an agent with 40 plus experience pick up the phone now and call Cliff at 650-346-7366. Together we can figure the truth for you.

Thank you.


How to figure the truth on spending your money for rent
Made in USA

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Making an absolutely right decision to save money, get inspections

Posted on: May 11th, 2016 | By Cliff Keith | Blog, Buyers Tips, Real Estate, Redwood City CA, redwood city ca homes, Sellers Tips | No Comments

When Selling A Home Here Is Why You Should Order A Home Inspection?

Making an absolutely right decision to save money, get inspections
Get A Home Inspection

  Selling A Home In Redwood City?  

Get A Home Inspection. Home inspections are an essential part for Redwood City real estate transactions for millions of buyers, sellers, and real estate agents, banks, mortgage brokers, etc. Whether you are shopping for a previously owned house or a brand new house, a home inspection provides insight for you about the home’s condition you are buying. If you are putting your house on the market, an inspection helps hasten the sale and can generate a higher price. And if you are a real estate agent, a professional home inspection report serves as an ideal marketing tool that also helps protect you against post-closing hassles. In essence, a home inspection is a visual examination of a house and property. When performed by a qualified professional, it includes: • A thorough visual inspection of the structure (inside and out, from foundation to roof). • An inspection in the house of all major systems. • An aim evaluation of the home’s condition of  by inspecting more than 400 items. • A printed report covering all findings and identifying potential concerns. Christopher Lopez is the Franchise Owner of AmeriSpec Home Inspection Service for San Francisco and the Greater Peninsula. AmeriSpec is North Americas Leading Home Inspection Services (a subsidiary of American Home Shield). Celebrating 25 Years of Service and over Two Million Quality Inspections Performed. For more information Call 650-369-8800 or on the web at or Don’t forget if you are selling a home in Redwood City you should get a home inspection before placing it on the market for sale.  Selling a home in redwood city? Getting a home inspection is your mantra. If you find this information informative and would like to receive Redwood City real estate updates on a regular basis you can fill in your email address over there on the right to receive a Free Newsletter. If you want notification about homes you are looking to buy you can click the “Register Today” orange button to the right and give the criteria of the home you would like to purchase.  I will arrange for your own personal organizer. It will generate results sent to you when a new home matching your criteria comes on to the market. You will have information within 4 hours of this information being placed in the Multiple Listing Service, (MLS), which is about as fast as I receive this information. Additionally, feel free to friend/like me on any of the social networks listed below.  If you’re old fashion, (and that is a good thing too!), or in a hurry please feel free to call or email from the numbers and address listed below.

How to tell your Mother you love her and know why

Posted on: May 8th, 2016 | By Cliff Keith | Blog, Featured Posts, Holidays, redwood city ca homes | No Comments

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day ~ How It Came About

In the United States, on the second Sunday in May Mother’s Day ~ How It Came About is our annual holiday celebrated by recognizing our mothers

Mother's Day ~ How It Came About
Mother’s Day ~ How It Came About Happy Mother’s Day

Including motherhood and maternal bonds in general, as well the positive contributions that they make to society.

Woman’s peace groups were the first to start Mother’s Day.  The groups were Mothers who sons had died in the American Civil War from both sides. These groups had their celebration of Mother’s Day during the 1870’ and the 1880’s. Unfortunately, none of these celebrations had any National support they were only observed at the local level.

“Mother’s Friendship Day” was started in 1868 by Ann Jarvis. This day was to unite families and friends divided over the war. Ann Jarvis died in 1905 before the celebration became popular and the gauntlet was carried on by her daughter Anna Jarvis. In New York. On June 2, 1872 there was a Mother’s Day anti-war rally led by Julia Ward Howe. The rally ended with a Mother’s Day Proclamation.

This anti-war rally continued for another 10 years in Boston and then died out. Then on May 13, 1877 in Albion, Michigan there was another Mother’s Day observance and the difference revolved around the temperance movement. “According to local legend, Albion pioneer Juliet Calhoun Blakeley stepped up to complete the sermon of the Rev. Myron Daugherty who was distraught because an anti-temperance group had forced his son and two other temperance works to spend the night in a saloon and become publicly drunk.

From the pulpit Blakeley called on other mothers to join her. Blakeley’s two sons, both traveling salesmen, were so moved that they vowed to return each year to pay tribute to her and embarked on a campaign to urge their business contacts to do likewise. At their urging, in the early 1880’s, the Methodist Episcopal Church in Albion set aside the second Sunday in May to recognize the special contributions of mothers.”

The first public plea for a national day Americans could celebrate their Mothers made by Frank E. Hering who at the time was the President of the Fraternal Order of Eagles.  The year was 1904. Anna Jarvis in 1905 began campaigning to set up a Mother’s Day first as a national holiday and then the rest of the world. In 1910 West Virginia officially declared Mother’s Day as a legal holiday.

Many State followed West Virginia’s lead and in 1914 on May 8th the U.S. Congress passed a law designating the second Sunday in May to be known as Mother’s Day.  The following day President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation declaring everyone should fly the American flag in honor of these Mothers who sons had died in the war. In 1934 FDR approve a postal stamp commemorating Mother’s Day.

Mother's Day ~ How It Came About
Mother’s Day ~ How It Came About a history

Remember your Mother today as she is the only person who all your life has thought you to be the most beautiful and perfect person in the world.  Aren’t Mothers great! Mother’s Day ~ How It Came About Want to reprint this post? You may do so, if you include the following credit line: “Cliff Keith is a California real estate Broker, who has helped home buyers and sellers since 1976!”

Are you ready to save time and money when you purchase or sell real estate? Subscribe to Cliff’s free newsletter Cliff’s Notes on real estate… at”


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Increase credit score will save you money ~ 10 secrets

Posted on: May 5th, 2016 | By Cliff Keith | Blog, Buyers Tips, Featured Posts, Redwood City, Redwood City CA, redwood city ca homes, Sellers Tips |

Why do you need good credit?

Increase credit score will save you money ~ 10 secrets
10 secrets

In the United States you can increase your credit score. It will save you money. Most citizens when they  want to borrow money from a bank are looked at by the bank as being credit worthy base their on their ability to pay off their debts. Banks when offering a mortgage to a home buyer will want to know that the home buyers will pay off the money they borrow.

The banks will automatically run a credit check on who wants to borrow money.

During this process the bank will research 3 different credit reporting agencies to decide what the FICO scores are.

Preserve you credit

Listed on this post by clicking on the read more link are 10 things that will impact your credit score. The more of these 10 things you have control over the greater the chances of the bank lending you the money to buy your new home.  

Everything you do with your finances has an impact on your credit score. Some things have a positive effect and others have a negative effect. Make sure you read these Top 10 Secrets on preserving your credit. They are easy to do and make all the difference when viewed by a mortgage underwriter of your lending institution.

Increase credit score will save you money ~ 10 secrets
Call me

If you would like to know more information about your credit and how it impacts your everyday life you can contact Cliff either by phone/text or email. The contact information is in the signature below.

Don’t forget you can also sign up for Cliff’s Notes on real estate… by filling in the subscription box on the right hand side. The FREE no obligation newsletter is a monthly publication and has information that will save you time and money. It will also make you a better person too.

By clicking this link you will be able to read the 10 secrets to keep your credit. Read more…


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Increase credit score will save you money ~ 10 secrets
Made in USA

Cliff's Notes on real estate… for May 2016

Posted on: May 1st, 2016 | By Cliff Keith | Blog, Cliff's Notes on Real Estate, Featured Posts | No Comments

Cliff’s Notes on real estate… for May 2016


Dear Friend,

Cliff's Notes on real estate... for May 2016

May flowers are in bloom, nature is bursting with energy, and change is in the air. Of course, you’re as busy as the bees, but when you finally have time to stop and read awhile, you’ll find this month’s newsletter filled with interesting articles.

In honor of the month of May, I’ve included an interesting history of Mother’s Day, describing a day that might not be what you thought it was. You’ll also find a list of household items that don’t normally get cleaned, which will help you get focused on your spring cleaning.

There’s a description of a new kind of scissors that can make ordinary cutting easier, and some inspiring ideas for building wealth, if you’re over 50. I also included the usual interesting tid-bits and funny stories to entertain you.

And if the warmer weather is making you think of selling or buying a home, give me a call 650-346-7366 to get started now. Please think of me as the resource center on real estate, which can always count on to not let you down.

Talk with you soon.

Read more…


Cliff's Notes on real estate... for May 2016
Cliff Keith

Your friend in the real estate business,




Cliff Keith

Can I make money with income property?

Can I make money with income property?

Can I make money with income property?
Can I make money with income property?

This is a questions asked by a number of people who realize the many advantages of owning real estate. Owning income property is not easy however, in the long can be very rewarding.

For example if you purchased a duplex today and paid $1,300,000 and put down 35% (most lender’s requirements), at an interest rate of 4.00% your monthly payment to the bank would be $4,034.16 per month.

Let’s assume for your $1,300,000 you can purchase a duplex with one side having 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and 1 car garage/carport, and the other side having 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, and 1 car garage/carport. What would those two units bring in form of rent on a monthly basis?

What I want to do is be a bit conservative here and not give you top of the market rents. After all you want good tenants that are will and able to pay the rent monthly without over extending themselves.

Let’s say we can get $3500/month for the 3 bedroom unit and $2500 for the 2 bedroom unit. That’ll give you a monthly income of $6,000!

Seems like a no brainier doesn’t it? Well maybe yes and maybe no. Let’s look at what other expenses and or costs you may incur along the way.

When  you purchased the income property did you get inspection reports and pest inspection? If so, were there issue brought up in those report that indicated you may have to do some repairs in the near future. Such as was one of the heating systems at the in of its life? (functional obsolescence) If so the possibility of getting a call from your tenant next Thanksgiving saying they have just turned the heat on and it doesn’t work and they have a house full of quests coming for Thanksgiving Dinner. (Can we say emergency service call?)

That example is easy to fix and make everyone happy. However, there are other items one needs to be aware of when buying income property. Some is really good and others not so much.  Read more…


Can I make money with income property?
Can I make money with income property?


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