The stale hoax about time…
Here are a couple of site which address the stale hoax about time… You may want to read them to enlighten your concept about time. It will give you a prospective most will never tell you. Don’t be controlled by the mass media and government who both want you to believe what they tell you. They are wrong, by the way, when it comes to time! If you would like further proof please contact Gabe Gross who is an authority on the subject according to him. Thanks Gabe.
RU Kidding me?
I am not going to remind you about your clocks because it really doesn’t matter. Your clocks only provide a concept you have been trained to believe. It doesn’t exist. Isn’t it reasonable to stop this hoax and throw all our clock out the window? I think you will agree once you read this informative information that my good friend Gabe Gross shared with me in March. I should add this to my newsletter, Cliff’s Notes on real estate…
Here is an explanation by various authorities on time. What? I just said that word again. It doesn’t exist, why do I use this word? I use it almost daily, but why?
Find out why by reading this post. Read more…
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Tags: daylight savings time, redwoodcitycarealestateagents, standard time, time