Why Do Rabbits Bring Easter Eggs?

Posted on: April 18th, 2019 | By Cliff Keith | Blog, Holidays | No Comments

What is Easter?

Easter is close at hand and the celebration start today on Good Friday.  On Sunday Christians will be celebrating Easter. It’s the day Christians believe their Lord and Savor, Jesus Christ rose from the dead into heaven.

Christians will celebrate the day by going to church/mass dressed up in their Sunday finest. It spring time and the time for renewal of nature. With Easter here I have often wondered why in the world does a rabbit bring Easter eggs?  A rabbit doesn’t produce eggs, nor do they eat eggs so what’s the deal with the bunny rabbit delivering eggs for all the children? Don’t you agree?

Why Do Rabbits Bring Easter Eggs?
Pagan Goddess Eostre

Research on Rabbits

When I started to do my research on the subject I thought a simple Google search would show me the solution.  I didn’t realize I was opening a can of worms!  This is pretty serious stuff the rabbit and these Easter eggs. What I found out it is strictly a religious matter. Because of differences fought between Pagans and Christians.  The Pagans believe in the Anglo-Saxon goddess, Eostre, and of course the Christian didn’t. The Christians believed in Jesus Christ. Therefore, there is no answer except for it depending on your own personal beliefs.

Who was Eostre?

Eostre was a Pagan Goddess whose symbols were the rabbit and the egg.  First of all in pagan religion, both the egg and the bunny are symbols of fertility. In the pagan religion, Easter was the “spring festival”. It was time for celebrating fertility and requesting of the Gods that they would give good crops. On the other hand some believe that the only connection to Eostre and Easter is that they are both issues spoken in English.

For example

As a result, people like Catherine Beyer, believe in that the Romantic languages, the word for Easter is based on Pesach, the Hebrew word for Passover, which Jesus was celebrating at the time of his execution. And that is all Easter is about according to Catherine Beyer.  They say, to bring anything else into the picture referring to something like eggs and rabbits is just not worthy of discussion.

In conclusion:

Why Do Rabbits Bring Easter Eggs?
Easter Rabbit Stonehedge

From a historical standpoint all I can say is that the answer to the age-old question about why we have Easter egg hunts. Furthermore, we see little bunnies everywhere hence it is for you to decide for yourself.  I know what is in my heart.

Do, you know now Why Do Rabbits Bring Easter Eggs? I am going to go look for some See’s Candies chocolate eggs. Those are the eggs I enjoy most

 Happy Easter.

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Why Do Rabbits Bring Easter Eggs?
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