Palm Sunday What Do Christians Celebrate?

Posted on: March 24th, 2018 | By Cliff Keith | Holidays | No Comments

Palm Sunday What Do Christians Celebrate?
Jesus on Donkey

Palm Sunday What Do Christians celebrate?

Palm Sunday is the day when Christians celebrate the day Jesus entered into Jerusalem. Jesus entered Jerusalem on a colt of a donkey. This event took place one week before Jesus’s death. And his resurrection three days later, as told in the Christian’s Holy Bible.

Furthermore, most Christians believe Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. The 5th week of Lent,

What happened the first Holy Week?

Because in the Holy Bible it is written Jesus rode into Jerusalem on  the back of a donkey. Greeted by a crowds of people waving palm branches at him. Additionally, the dirt road being traveled by Jesus was covered with palm branches by his followers. Because this was the method of the day to show homage in addition to submission for Jesus as their promised Messiah.

What happens in modern day Palm Sunday?

Almost all modern Christians receive a palm leaf in church on Palm Sunday.  Because it is a symbol of the remembrance of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial death on the cross. The death of Jesus is believe to be the removal of all sins for mortals.  Christian beliefs praise Jesus for his gift of salvation. Today Christians look expectantly to Jesus second coming.

The people of Jerusalem at that time did not see Jesus as a spiritual leader, but instead they saw him as a political leader. He was their Messiah who would overthrow the Romans and restore Israel’s independence. They shouted “Hosanna” meaning “save now”.  Large Passover crowds gathered around Jesus and shouted “Hosanna to the Son of David!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. “Hosanna in the highest!” (Matthew 21:9)

Palm Sunday What Do Christians Celebrate?
Palm Leaves and Cross

What happened to Jesus when he entered Jerusalem?

Since entering Jerusalem the Romans captured Jesus and made him their prisoner.  The Romans put Jesus on trial and found him guilty of his crimes.  As a result Jesus was order to be Crucified. As a result, Roman soldiers made Jesus, as was custom, carry his cross, on his shoulders all the way where he was to be hung. He carried the cross to a field with others criminals of the state.  While approaching the field, Jesus saw the other convicted criminals nailed to their cross. Jesus was about to experience the same thing himself.

What is Crucifixion?

Crucifixion is an ancient form of execution. A criminal’s is Crucified when the victim’s hands and feet are bound to the cross and then nailed to it. Consequently, crucifixion  is considered the most horribly painful, and disgraceful methods of capital punishment. The word crucifixion comes from the Latin “crucifixion,” or “crucifixus,” meaning “fixed to a cross.”

As believed today this is the story of Palm Sunday and how and why Christians celebrate it with solemn prayers. I am sure glad in America today we no longer us Crucifixion as a means of capital punishment, Don’t you?

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Palm Sunday What Do Christians Celebrate?
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