Why do you say Happy Birthday to America?

Posted on: July 1st, 2017 | By Cliff Keith | Blog, Featured Posts, Holidays | No Comments

Happy Birthday America, July 4, 1776

Why do you say Happy Birthday to America? First of all, America was born on July 4, 1776. Accomplished once the Declaration of Independence was signed. They were the leader of the American colonies of King George III American traditions allows and avenue for most people to join this annual celebration on the 4th of July. A newcomer to America on the 4th of July will see in town across the country; parades, carnivals, and BBQ’s. Found cooking on grills across America on the 4th of July you will find hamburgers and hot dogs. This is the traditional 4th of July foods of choice.

Most of all, on the 4th there is another tradition found is in the form of a sky extravagance at sunset. You’ll see displayed,  fireworks lighting up the evening skies. Coating the horizon with a maze of colors and design. Designs and loud explosions that leads to many oohs and aahs. People watch with anticipation for each new explosion in the sky.

Click the link to read more… 4th of July 

Why do you say Happy Birthday to America?
Signing of Declaration of Independence

What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

The purpose of the Colonists was that they wanted representation on how taxation took place. Furthermore, they felt they had the right to voice their opinions on how the taxes collected were being spent. Reasoning of the day was quite simple… if we pay our taxes then we want to have a  say on how they are managed. King George III of the United Kingdom wanted no part of this. King George III ordered his military leaders to stop the colonist from exercising any rights or freedom in any of his colonies. No matter what! American colonist while especially relevant, had to revert to guerilla warfare and disrupt the British soldiers. They did so by doing such things as dressing up like Mohawk Indians and throwing barrels of tea into Boston Harbor.

Why do you say Happy Birthday to America?
Old Glory

What made the Colonist so smart?

Our Founding Fathers, were aristocrats and while aristocrats some considered them as the highest class in certain societies, especially those holding hereditary titles or offices. The Founding Fathers were concerned about the forming of a democratic government where all men were equal. They also, owned land, making them landlords, and leaders of the Colony. These  Colonists leaders grew up around money and all the benefits money can bring. Likewise, they understood money and how to make it work for them and anyone they helped.

Believing at their core, that American Colonists had earned the right to be independent from the British Crown. They demanded the inalienable rights and freedoms of a sovereign Nation. While the Declaration of Independence provided the Colonists the legal rights of Independence for all, first it had to be signed.

What did King George III have to say?

Severing their ties with the British Crown was not an easy task. The final version of the Declaration of Independence legitimized their freedom which was needed to achieve their Sovereign Nation.

86 men adopted and signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. By do so, they probablyu created a document making our great Country the leader of the Free World rather than to remain under the contol of King George III. Countries around the world have used our Declaration of Independence as their model to become another to legitimize their freedom. Seems like our freedoms and rights should spread across the planet don’t you think?

The first printing of the Declaration of Independence by a newspaper was on July 6th, in The Pennsylvania Evening Post.

Where can I see the Declaration of Independence?

Because people world-wide don’t have the protection of the Declaration of Independence, they find way to come to America so they can. Congress established Independence Day as a holiday in 1870.  In 1938 Congress reaffirmed it as a holiday for federal employees with full pay. This is only one of many reasons, why the 4th of July is one holiday everyone loves and enjoy. The thrill of lights flashing in the sky and military parades being the best out of most. It’s a good day. Finally,  now go out and enjoy your 4th,

Why do you say Happy Birthday to America?
America parade
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Why do you say Happy Birthday to America?
Eagle USA

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