Protect Your Home: Security Checklist - Redwood City Real Estate - San Carlos, Realtor

Protect Your Home: Security Checklist

Protect Your Home: Security Checklist

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Protect Your Home: Security Checklist



Here’s a helpful checklist for you to use when you want Home Security. Use this checklist as your guide to Protect Your Home: Security Checklist. If you don’t have your home secured as suggested below, then it may show areas in and around your home where you could take action to improve your home’s security.

These are a few of the steps you may take to decrease the likelihood that you or your home will become a victim.


Home Security Checklist Exterior Doors:  

  1. Lock all doors at night and every time we leave the house—even if it’s just for a few minutes.
  2. Doors are solid hardwood or metal-clad.
  3. Doors feature wide-angle peepholes at heights everyone can use.
  4. If there are glass panels in or near your doors, they will shattered if the are not re-enforced.
  5. All entryways have a working, keyed entry lock and sturdy deadbolt lock installed into the frame of the door.
  6. Spare keys are kept with a trusted neighbor, not under a doormat or planter, on a ledge, or in the mailbox.

Home Security Checklist Garage and Sliding Door Security:

  1. The door leading from the attached garage to the house is solid wood or metal-clad and protected with a quality keyed door lock and deadbolt.
  2. The overhead garage door has a lock so that we do not rely solely on the automatic door opener to give security.
  3. Garage doors are all locked when leaving the house.
  4. The sliding glass door has strong, working key locks.
  5. A dowel or pin installed will secure a glass door to prevent the door from being shoved aside or lifted off the track.
  6. Lock your sliding door every night and each time we leave the house.

Home Security Checklist Protecting Windows:

  1. Every window in the house has a working key lock or is securely pinned.
  2. Make sure windows are always locked, especially when opened a few inches for ventilation.

Home Security Checklist Outdoor Security:

  1. Trim shrubs and bushes so there is no place for someone to hide.
  2. There are no dark areas around out house, garage, or yard at night that would hide prowlers.
  3. Every outside door has a bright, working light to illuminate visitors.
  4. Floodlights helps to make sure effective illumination.
  5. Outdoor lights are on in the evening—whether someone is at home or not. One way is to install a photo cell or motion-sensitive lighting system.
  6. Our house number is clearly displayed so police and other emergency vehicles can find the house quickly.

Home Security Checklist Security When Away From Home:

  1. Arrange at least two light timers to turn the lights on and off in a logical sequence When you are away from home for an extended time period. Homeland Security has a PDF on  proper lightning, which you can read by going to their site.
  2. Turn on the motion detector or other alarm system (if we have one) when we leave home.
  3. Stop your mail and newspaper deliveries or arrangements for a neighbor/friend to pick them up when we go away from home for a your vacation or business trip.
  4. Ask a neighbor to tend the yard and watch your home when you are away. The Neighborhood Watch Institute has a good website to help Redwood City homeowners.

Home Security Checklist Outdoor Valuables and Personal Property:

  1. Gate latches, garage doors, and shed doors are all locked with high-security, laminated padlocks.
  2. Grills, lawn mowers, and other valuables in a locked garage or shed, or if left out in the open, are hidden from view with a tarp and securely locked to a stationary point.
  3. Lock every bicycle with a U-bar lock or quality padlock and chain.
  4. Bikes are always locked, even if we leave them for just a minute.
  5. Store firearms unloaded and locked in storage safes and secured with trigger guard locks.
  6. Inscribe your valuable items, such as television, stereos, and computers with identifying number approved by local police.
  7. Your home inventory is up-to-date and includes pictures. A complete copy is kept somewhere out of the house.

Protect Your Home: Security Checklist – Redwood City – San Carlos Real Estate, … is only a guide to help you. Thieves are difficult to stop 100% of the time. Use caution and your brain to protect yourself.

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